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mercredi 17 février 2010

A MODERN HOTEL WEBSITE FOR 2010 - 0 Hotel Downtown Los Angeles-


• designed for the user with emphasis on supplying the information they need
--> informations are clearly defined and visible. only pictures animations.

• easy to navigate with no clutter
--> no clutter and well-structured of the website. Easy to access

• dynamic with continually updated content
--> updated content are visible by newletters sign up
• created on a content management system that allows hotel to edit content themselves
-->The hotel can edit website content by himself

• links to Twitter and Facebook (or place Twitter stream directly on site)
--> Hotel has Twitter, facebook, 
• a blog to supply useful content to users and help SEO efforts
--> the hotel has no blog but has visible SEO efforts (in general the hotel has rank 1st and 2nd by brand name and localization) 
• videos of hotel and city – videos should be authentic and not glitzy ads
--> no video on the hotel website but links lead to facebook with youtube
• information should be organized by type of traveler and answer specific questions
-->yes (ex : corporate, group, individuals...)
• calls-to-action should lead user through the sales funnel
• offer an incentive for users to supply their e-mail (i.e. a downloadable city guide)
--> yes
• give users a reason to re-visit your site (i.e. ski conditions if your hotel is in the mountains)
-->yes, because website is interactive
• maintain a database of your clients and learn their preferences. This allows for more targeted email campaigns, and a better guest experience at your hotel
--> no
• communicate with your guest before, during, and after their stay through email or Twitter
--> yes
• request reviews from your guests and post them on your website
• make sure your website is optimized for the search engines
• install analytics which will allow you to track user behaviour

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