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mercredi 28 avril 2010


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I will sum up what I have understood with the seminar of the Friday and Saturday of 23rd and 24th of April 2010 in Paris.
The conference is divided by 4 main points which are:
·         Explication of the concept of luxury on the internet
·         The link between Online Reviews and Revenue
·         The concept o augmented reality
·         The fastbooking application for Smartphone (APP)
During the course and during this seminar, I have learned many things about the social media which I would like to explain you.
Today the world become very closer, if you take the example of the revolution o the telephone and the internet speaking with someone in south of Africa is not impossible and incredible. In term of business, the relationship between companies and customers really evoluate and take a different aspect. Customers become very picky because they have more information about the product tested by other costumers. They are chatting together about the product and sharing their experience good or bad. Today, companies have to adapt their way of thinking and need to be in ad equation with what the costumers is thinking not what the hotel is thinking. The services are becoming very personalized and specific to each consumer today.

If we speak about the luxury sector we need to understand the real concept of luxe in people mind today. For all products, the concept is the same. Luxury concept is based on the emotional feeling of the people and values. To illustrate my affirmation, we can see the way of thinking of some hotels today change. In Whotels, the classic way to present the website with the room picture and the view on the piscine are changed and emotion takes place on the website. The main goal is to capture the attention of the clients. Many hotels, we have listened during the seminar make a new emotional concept like Chaumet which introduce the notion of bees by saying “save the bees”. RoughLuxeHotels introduce the concept of intellectual values in his hotel.

                The way of consumptions changes with the development of the electronic technology. World become very closer, with the arrival of the cellular and the internet access directly by the cellular. Smartphone is becoming the new technologies which accelerate the movement, and today people want to be informed in time and no losing any kind of informations. Applications called APP are developed very quickly on Iphone, BlackBerry and other Smartphone. By developing the concept of Application, hotelier can send best offers, informations about actions they have done, chatting, exchanging informations with their clients, the relation between the customers and the hoteliers change.

                Today, we can find a real problem in hoteliers’ adaptation with this “New World”. They think that this social media marketing is a best way to make profit but they cannot evaluate it exactly. The main work today is to keep updated social media used by hotelier like facebook, Twitter… so hotelier can react very quickly if a costumer doesn’t appreciate his experience in the hotel, the hotel can react by talking with the person and give him a compensation because he will share his bad experience in the hotel with people everywhere in the world, so they will lose many clients. It is really important because people are exchanging each other their experiences.

                As a conclusion, the best thing to know is that tomorrow this kind of technology will be integrated by all hoteliers if they want to continue making profit. Most of hotels today don’t understand the huge change in the way of living of people. It is due to a very fast changement of the society way of living and consumptions.

jeudi 1 avril 2010